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Church of God By Faith

On behalf of our Pastor and Lady Vanessa, and the Grace Fellowship Family; thank you for visiting our web ministry. It is our sincere desire to create and environment that is Bible based and family friendly. You have an open invitation to come and grow with us. We believe that you will come to the same conclusion that it's good to be home. 


Pastor Danny R. and Lady Vanessa D. Patterson

"Welcome Home"

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Proclaiming Gods Favor (Grace) is greater than our failures.
                      1 Corinthians 12:9

We are a body of likeminded believers that place our total trust in the finish work of the cross of Jesus. We strive to show the love of Christ to  everyone that we meet. We believe that the redemptive power of  the blood of Jesus, places us in right standing with our heavenly father.

For whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved.

Romans 10:13

Grace Fellowship

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Love God


Love Gods Word



Preach The Gospel

Love People

"This is Our Mission"

Pastor and Lady Patterson

Ministerial Staff

Prophet Paul Mosley

Associate Minister

Minister Tan Mosley

Associate Minister


Pastor Danny R. Patterson



Lady Vanessa Patterson

President Heart to Heart Womens Ministry

Minister Pamela Deberry

Associate Minister

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Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

                        2 Timothy 2:15


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Testimonials "I enjoyed my time today in church Pastor Patterson brought a very nice message, and I felt the warmth and love in the atmosphere. I will definitely be back".

—Katina Settles


Testimonials "If you looking for a place where the WORD of GOD is being preach and souls are being delivered that's where you want to be. Where you can feel free to worship and feel GOD power. Go and see for yourself you won't be the same when you leave. If you go looking for this man I'm talking about NAME JESUS GOD BLESSE YOU IS MY PRAY

--Susie Grant

© Copyright Grace Fellowship Ministries C.O.G.B.F. / 2020 All Right Reserved
Site Built by: NuCreation Designs
Contact: Danny R. Patterson Sr.
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